As Microsoft aims its sights in directions other than desktop software, it's clear to them that the web is where longevity lies. They are going after Google in the ever important search market with Windows Live, and apparently making a lot strides, technically speaking. The challenges Microsoft have are not only Google's dominance, but also their universal appeal and the fact that Microsoft's reputation will be hard to shake. It's a bit like the school bully that has taken your lunch money since the 2nd grade now want's to sit at your table and trade a cupcake for Twinkies. Microsoft will have to work extra hard and do things much better than Google, in my opinion, to make a dent in that market. Good thing for Microsoft, they have a few dollars in the bank. Even capturing 1/3 of that market means huge cash flow, but like all else Microsoft, they are not striving for just 33%
There are of course some Microsoft hard-core loyalists that bow to Gates and anything he puts forth, but Google has positioned themselves as the Goliath in search and done it in the "awe shucks", "little engine that could" way, and as we all know, the word Google is as much a verb as it is a noun. You may have found this blog by "Googling" it.
Microsoft is a company that still feels like daddy wont let us grow up, they still want to tell us what to do and we are just all trying to be independent now that we're grown. If Microsoft were really smart, they would spin off a new division that was less Microsoft-like. You know, stuffy, tie-wearing big brother looking and just be young and cool, hip, and fun. That approach never hurt Apple, in fact they thrive on it. It's hard to forget, there was a day that to do any type of computing, we all had to toss our coins in the Microsoft toll-booth and that has created a few hard-core rebels that are grown, out of the house, and don't want to talk to daddy anymore.
I suspect most people will go about their online day, doing what they are used to doing, searching the way they usually search, and if Microsoft has something really special, they might give a looksie, but Google is a comfortable shoe for most, and they are no doubt kicking back doing nothing.
The Web 2.0 will march on, with or without Microsoft at the ships helm.
Jim Alden
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