Thursday, January 1, 2009

Create Unique Passwords For Each Site That You'll Never Forget in 10 Minutes!

How to have a unique password for everything, and never forget them:

The only thing more important than a good password is a unique password for every online account you have.

Over the years, I feel I have developed a pretty good system of coding passwords so they are unique to every site you visit and are secure, and most importantly, you’ll never forget them.

Now, we create a unique password for each that only you can remember, but will not be obvious to anyone else should they find one of your passwords.
Get out a pad and pen. On your pad, you will dedicate yourself to three decisions. Write these out and we’ll fill in the decisions afterward.
Be patient, and when you're done with this, you'll be amazed how easy it is.

Decision 1: key pattern:___________________________

Decision 2: name extraction pattern_________________________

Decision 3: rule to integrate name extraction into key pattern________________________

Key Pattern: Chose a letter and numeric combination of at least 6 digits that you know you’ll never forget. Mixing numbers and letters are much better than either alone. Try to avoid child or pet names for obvious reasons. Using a keyboard pattern on the keyboard is helpful and much easier to remember.
Here are some examples. Look at the patterns of these to get some ideas:
3edr54 – 5rtyu76 - 0okmnji9 – 4rfvgy7.

Look at how each of those flow on the keyboard. There are millions of combinations, so once you design one you like, keep it, write it down for the moment. Lets say you made 3edr54 your key Pattern, and now you want to integrate it into your websites. Lets move to the next step.

Name Extraction is taking letters(or numbers) from the url. ,, etc. For this example we’ll use the rule of taking three letters in the following order: Last letter, Second letter, then First letter.

If we used that rule, the extracted letters for the word netflix, the letters extracted would be xen. Twitter = rwt, = kid

Rule To Integrate: The final step is how you want to integrate those extracted letters into your key pattern to create the password for THAT site

For this example, we’ll insert the extracted letters right after the first character of the key pattern.

Here is what we have on our pad so far:

Decision 1: key pattern: 3edr54
Decision 2: name extraction pattern: Last, second, first
Decision 3: rule to integrate name extraction into key pattern: after first character in key pattern.

Examples: password would be: 3rwtedr54 password would be: 3kafedr54 password would be 3smaedr54

Each are unique, each has the one pattern to remember and one basic rule for a completely unique password for hundreds of sites.

Choose a pattern of combination that you wont forget. Choose a rule in how to extract and you will have your own encoding/decoding process that will help you be safe online.

Lastly, if you have a long password for a site that limits you, just run till the end: 3smaedr54 might be 3smadr5 if you have an 8 character limit. Nothing else to remember, you just run out of password room.

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I have been a Technology Consultant for over 15 years and am sometimes referred to as the Tech Guy To The Stars as many clients are of the Hollywood crowd. I haven't needed a business card in over a decade as I have made my living by word-of-mouth. I have a sick passion and addiction to efficiency. From my hybrid car to how a business office can be run more efficiently with today's technology. Knowledge is power, and my purpose here is to share what I have learned with those that can use it. I'm forever a student as well, so along the way, my eyes and ears are always open to new ideas, new technologies and just new ways of doing things